Message from the BEAGLE Coordinator: Dr. Xiaoni Li from Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Message from the BEAGLE Coordinator: Dr. Xiaoni Li from Universitat Rovira i Virgili - featured image

To commence the launch of the BEAGLE website, we have had a pleasant conversation with BEAGLE coordinator Dr. Xiaoni Li from Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain. 

Below you can read her thoughts on what makes BEAGLE a groundbreaking project and the key message she would like to convey to stakeholders following the developments of BEAGLE.

Groundbreaking nature of the BEAGLE project:

BEAGLE is all about creating new spaces, the blue oceans, where competition doesn’t exist for innovation and value creation in the transfer of technology and knowledge. It’s not just another project; it’s a unique blend of academic, industry, and technology center, all working together to unlock new market niches no one has tapped into before in the process of transfer of technology and knowledge. By bringing together 240 pros from across 7 EU countries, we are set to uncover and co-create 20 new market opportunities. That is not just groundbreaking, it is game changing.

Key message for stakeholders:

Whether you are from industry or academia, you are very welcome to join the BEAGLE community where you will gain valuable networking opportunities through our organized events, meetings, and digital resources such as video factsheets dedicated to fostering disruptive innovation and promoting a long-term vision for technology development. This collaborative environment allows you to share and enhance your vision of innovation and explore untapped markets, the blue oceans, ensuring that we collectively pave the way for groundbreaking advancements. Join us in shaping the future of innovation!

We invite you to follow BEAGLE developments through our website, social media ( Linkedin, X and YouTube ) and by subscribing to our newsletter.