blue oceans strategy for value creation

Blue Oceans, Disruptive Innovation, Knowledge Valorisation, Academia & Industry Collaboration, Market Creation Strategy, Added Value

About the BEAGLE project

BEAGLE proposes an innovative methodology for value creation from the uptake of the research results applying the Blue Ocean strategy.

It explores new market niches by fostering sustainable value chains in untapped markets, while promoting disruptive synergies and innovation.

Over the three years of the project, our mission is to construct a network of interdisciplinary experts and industry stakeholders to uncover 12 new thematic market niches, known as Blue Oceans, and co-create 20 innovation proposals with specific roadmaps.

Explore new markets with BEAGLE. Join us in innovation!






New thematic market  



Innovation proposals



Logo Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Logo Faculty of Economics University of West Bohemia
Logo University West
F6S logo
Ctag logo
Next move collaboration is the driver logo
Cleantech Bulgaria logo
SCHP - logo
Unimos alliance logo

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