About the BEAGLE project

Innovative Methodology

Introducing a pioneering approach to value creation applying the Blue Oceans strategy.

Cross-sector Collaboration

Uniting universities, technology centers, and business clusters to strengthen academia & industry collaboration.

Three-Phase Approach

1. Discovering opportunities

2. Co-creating innovation proposals

3. Consolidating new market niches to attract investment.


The BEAGLE, also known as the Blue Oceans Strategy for Value Creation is a project Funded by the European Union.


Over the three years of the project, BEAGLE aims to construct a network of interdisciplinary experts and industry stakeholders to uncover 20 new market niches, known as Blue Oceans, and co-create 20 innovation proposals with specific roadmaps.

By fostering collaboration among academia, technology centers, and business clusters, BEAGLE aims to facilitate the emergence of sustainable value chains and drive innovation in untapped markets.

Strategic Objectives &  Innovative Methodology

Over the duration of the BEAGLE project, emphasis will be placed on three key strategic objectives: 


Discovering opportunities through co-creation activities


Co-creating innovation proposals


Consolidating 12 new innovative market niches to attract investment

Blue Oceans Strategy

To achieve these objectives, the consortium will employ a co – creation experiment for disruptive innovation known as the Blue Oceans Strategy.

This innovative methodology involves companies pioneering new demand in previously untapped markets, as opposed to competing within saturated markets with existing demand. By adopting this approach companies stand to realize a higher return on investment, thereby driving the creation of sustainable value. 

Why is the Blue Ocean Strategy essential for unlocking new opportunities?

The only way to beat the competition is to stop trying to beat the competition.

The Blue Ocean strategy is a business concept that offers a fresh approach to business by focusing on creating new market spaces rather than competing in existing ones. It emphasises identifying unmet consumer needs and innovating to make competition irrelevant. By breaking away from traditional industry boundaries, companies can redefine their market space and capture new customers.

Blue Ocean Strategy is about charting a unique course in the market, setting companies apart and securing their success.