







About the BEAGLE team

BEAGLE’s innovative approach is driven by a dynamic team of key stakeholders involved in the innovation processes, drawn from 7 European countries.

Comprising 9 partners from industry and academia, our team collaborates to implement a comprehensive work plan. This inclusive approach encourages collaboration across disciplines, sectors, and geographic areas within the BEAGLE community.

In addition to our diverse team of professionals, we foster a culture of open communication and knowledge sharing, ensuring that insights and expertise are leveraged effectively across all levels of the project.


Logo Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Universitat Rovira i

Logo Faculty of Economics University of West Bohemia

Faculty of Economics University of West Bohemia

Logo University West


F6S logo

F6S Innovation

Ctag logo

CTAG – Automotive Technology Centre of Galicia

Cleantech Bulgaria logo


SCHP - logo

Association of Chemical Industry of Czech Republic

Unimos alliance logo

Unimos Alliance

Meet our partners

The URV is the public university of southern Catalonia (Spain). It has 12 faculties, offering courses that cover all areas of knowledge. Every year, 15,000 students are trained in all areas of knowledge and our staff includes more than 1,200 full-time teaching and research staff members. The URV has an international vocation, being member of several international networks and collaborating with universities around the world. The scientific output increases year after year and this data enhances the international standing of the URV and the institution’s position in the rankings.

The Faculty of Economics is part of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. It is located in two cities – in Pilsen (Pilsen Region) and in Cheb (Region of Karlovy Vary).

  • offers university education in the field of economics
  • prepares young people for their career and focuses on their positive attitude towards the labour market and life in society
  • deepens collaboration with the work environment and with graduates of the Faculty
  • supports research activities focused on the regional issues
  • focuses attention of students and lecturers on international cooperation, especially within the EU
  • develops long-life education, in cooperation with other subjects
  • realizes educational, scientific and other types of cooperation within the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen as well as with other subjects in the Czech Republic and abroad

Founded in 1990, University West is a dynamic institution boasting 750 dedicated employees. With a student body of 13,200, including 5,500 full-time equivalents, the university offers 25 undergraduate programs and 20 advanced-level programs. Comprising nearly 60 professors and over 70 doctoral degree students, University West is committed to fostering a vibrant academic community.

F6S is a leading global founder and startup network that helps public sector entities around the world to promote, communicate and disseminate technical and research projects. F6S stands for F-ounder-S. Our mission is to help founders and startups grow to solve the world’s pressing social, economic, environmental, sustainability and innovation problems. In addition to F6S’ work with governmental entities, we also work with corporates, investors, research institutions, programs, universities and others in the global startup ecosystem. F6S tools deliver company growth through grants, partnerships, funding, investment, pilot contracts, partnerships, jobs & talent recruitment, company services and more.

CTAG – the Automotive Technology Centre of Galicia, is an organization dedicated to the development, research and technological innovation in the Automotive sector. Its mission is to contribute to the improvement of automotive companies competitiveness, offering its support to the sector’s industries on their modernization and adaptation to new technologies. CTAG works at different stages of the development of new products and processes, from applied research to product life validation. It offers comprehensive solutions for the development of innovations and large industrial projects.

NextMove leads and represents the French “Mobility Valley”, one of Europe’s leading Automotive & Mobility innovation ecosystems, covering the entire value chain where sustainable mobility solutions are invented, developed, tested and industrialized. From research to industry and services, NextMove federates the main players in Normandy & Paris regions to boost their competitiveness and provide support for transitions.

Cleantech Bulgaria is a catalyst for green business and innovation in the fields of: climate, energy, circular economy and cities of the future. Cleantech Bulgaria encourages cooperation between science, business and the public sector, and participates in the collective development of the Bulgarian innovative ecosystem.

Voluntary professional association of companies and institutions related to the chemical industry. Since 1992, he has been co-creating a favorable business environment and the development of the Czech chemical industry.

UNIMOS is a network organization that operates across various sectors. It represents a group of trusted partners who work together to accelerate the development of innovations, enhance international expansion and foster interconnections between Europe and Latin America. UNIMOS is currently involved in seven EU projects related to bioeconomy, digitalisation, upcycling, short food supply chains, and innovation ecosystem interconnection.