Meet our Partner: UNIMOS Alliance

UNIMOS alliance team

At the heart of the BEAGLE project lies a commitment to fostering innovation and collaboration on a global scale. In this endeavour, UNIMOS Alliance (UNIMOS) emerges as an important partner, bringing to the table a wealth of experience in cultivating international and intersectoral cooperation within European innovation ecosystems. With a focus on forging novel links and synergies between academia, industry, clusters, and technology centers, UNIMOS plays a vital role in driving the project forward.

Contributions to the BEAGLE project

UNIMOS’s contributions to the BEAGLE project are multifaceted and far-reaching. Leveraging its extensive network and expertise, UNIMOS serves as a catalyst for innovation, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and resources between diverse stakeholders. By nurturing collaboration between European and Latin American entities, UNIMOS bridges geographical boundaries, opening doors to new opportunities and perspectives. Through its proactive approach to fostering international expansion and collaboration, UNIMOS strengthens the project’s capacity to address complex challenges and unlock innovative solutions.

Partner’s perspective on the project

“Just because something doesn’t do what you planned it to do, it doesn’t mean it’s useless.” Thomas A. Edison’s words capture the essence of the BEAGLE project. Here, we value unexpected outcomes and unanticipated synergies, as they may lead to innovative breakthroughs and valuable market niches.”

Meet the UNIMOS team